Our Trash Hauler (effective 1/1/2025) is CASELLA
Single Stream Recycling
White envelopes, computer paper, brown grocery bags, magazines & catalogs, chipboard/box board, white & colored ledger paper, newspaper, notebook paper, paper egg cartons, construction paper, soft covered workbooks, telephone, & paperback Books, junk mail, Juice boxes, milk cartons, aluminum cans, tin & bi-metallic containers: (including aerosol cans) aseptic milk/juice containers, aluminum foil (pie plates, e.g.), plastic containers 1-7, frozen food cartons.
*PLEASE NOTE: As of January 1, 2019 our Recycling Hauler will no longer accept GLASS for recycling. (Glass may be disposed of with regular trash)
GLASS, Trash, Diapers, Clothing, Styrofoam, bags, caps, lids, food, compost, yard waste, paper towels, mirrors, window glass, light bulbs, propane tanks, medical waste, styrofoam peanuts
What days are trash pickup days?
Pick-up is every Thursday. If a Major Holiday falls on or before Thursday, pick-up will be the following day. The holidays are New Years Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Up to two (2) 64 Gallon cans per home.
If you have any bulk items (sofa, mattress, desk, dresser, etc) that need to be picked up, CALL Casella at 570-305-2125 or 570-305-2127 to schedule bulk item pick up, at an additional charge.
What Day is Recycle day?
Recycle day is also Every Thursday. If a Major holiday falls on or before recycling day, pick up will be the following day. The holidays are Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, New Years Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Memorial Day.
No need to remove: Paper clips, stamps, address labels, staples, metal fasteners, cellophane address windows, rubber bands, bindings, plastic tabs.
Any questions please call the Borough Hall at 610-678-1486.
Who must comply?
All Businesses and residents in the Borough must comply. According to Ordinance #422 each property must pay for trash service whether a pickup is conducted or not. Only business and apartment buildings with over EIGHT units are excluded. Dumpsters are then used by their own choice of Company. Each calendar year, businesses are required to report how much they recycle and the items they recycle.
Electronic Waste Collection: The Solid Waste Authority has a waste collection center located at 1316 Hilltop Rd, Leesport. The center is open Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 8AM to 12 noon. They accept all electronic items, TVs (limit 2), VCRs, microwaves, air conditioners, and fluorescent light bulbs, etc. This is free for all residents. There is a fee for businesses an an appointment is needed. Call 610-478-6362.
Close the Loop
- FABRICATION: Recycled materials are made into products, packaging, and containers and reenter the market.
- MARKET: For the consumer, recycling starts and ends at the market. Here it is important to make choices based on what can be recycled and entered back into the sustainability cycle. It is also important to look for and purchase products made from recycled materials.
- CONSUMPTION: ReCommunity has made it easy to recycle after consumption through single-stream technology. Even though ReCycling technology has made leaps and bounds, it is still only as effective as the individual consumers commitment to our future.
- MATERIAL SEPARATION: After recyclables leave your curb side they arrive at the Materials ReCovery Facility (MRF). Here they are separated into paper, glass, metal, and plastics to be shipped for processing.
- COMMODITY RECOVERY: The sorted materials are separated into bundles of paper, glass, metal and plastic that are sold to processors.
- COMMODITY SALES: Usable materials are sold to manufactures to be used in products and packaging. That is when the loop is closed because the next step is FABRICATION.
What is Recycling?
Recycling is the most often advertised of the 3R’s, so it’s likely you’ve heard of it before. Recycling is changing old products into new ones so they can be resold. Single stream recycling is the simplest method of recycling where all recyclables (no need for separating!) are sent to a Material Recovery Facility where they are separated, sorted, processed and sold to manufacturers to be used in products and packaging that re-enter the market. (ClOSING THE LOOP). For example, when you set out bottles and cans to be recycled, they may re-enter the marketplace as new bottles or cans, or they can be changed into things like bicycles or asphalt. Turn leftover kitchen waste into compost for your flower or vegetable gardens.
W-R-W Council of Governments is not trying to change your perspective or opinion on the environment or global warming…..we are simply asking you to consider the part you play in leaving the earth a better place for future generations. Your actions and behaviors TODAY will have a long-lasting impact on your children’s, your grandchildren’s and even your great grandchildren’s future. Just remember CLOSE THE LOOP!
Recycling is just one of many ways that we can help the environment. Every step we take, however small is one more towards helping and supporting the environment in which we live. Getting everyone involved, from kids to adults, can help produce a better environment for many generations to come.
How does recycling help the environment?
What is Waste Reduction?
Waste reduction is an effort to decrease the amount of waste generated. The best way to reduce waste is not to create it in the first place. If waste is prevented, there is no need or cost for collection, processing, and disposal. Reducing waste is important because doing so conserves valuable natural resources and protects the environment, benefitting us, our children and future generations. Waste reduction is the preferred method of solid waste management and goes a long way toward protecting the environment. It is also important to reuse and recycle whenever possible. The three R’s of managing solid waste (REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE) all play a role in helping you save money while protecting the environment.
Reducing is simply creating less waste. It’s also the best method for keeping our earth clean. Why? Because it stops the problem at the source. By making less waste in the first place, there is less mess to clean up. EXAMPLES: Drink filtered tap water from a reusable bottle instead of bottled water. Pack lunches using reusable containers instead of plastic bags and /or wrap and a reusable insulated lunch bag instead of brown or plastic bags. Use rechargeable batteries. Use cloth and reusable bags at the grocery store. Look for products with minimal packaging.
What is REUSING?
Reusing is taking old items that you might consider throwing away and finding a new use for them. Reusing helps situations where it is not possible to reduce. EXAMPLES: Donate used clothing or use old clothing/towels/bedding for cleaning rags or drop cloths when painting, reuse paper grocery bags to put old newspapers in for recycling, reuse shredded old newspaper as mulch for your garden or pet bedding. Donate gently used furniture and building materials to a local Habitat for Humanity Restore….or your used eyeglasses to Lions Club International. You can even donate used cars to charity for reuse.
The Borough of Wernersville Ordinance #583 requires a mandatory recycling program throughout the borough. The Borough has established recycling requirements for all properties in the Borough of Wernersville. It shall be the duty of every property owner in the borough wherein recyclables are generated and/or accumulated to providers for the collection, removal and disposal of such recyclables in accordance with the provisions of PA State Act 101.
Those properties in the borough not receiving municipal recycling collection service including, but no limited to, large apartment and condominium type properties, large commercial and industrial properties and institutional properties shall establish and maintain their own private recycling programs in accordance with the provisions of this Part and Act 101. All such properties shall submit periodic reports regarding their recycling programs providing information as requested by the Borough.
Acceptable recycling materials include:
- Aluminum cans
- Newspapers
- Bimetallic cans
- Corrugated paper
- Glass containers (clear, green and/or brown)
- High-grade office paper
- Plastic containers
- Steel cans
- PET plastics
- HDPE plastics
Please note: private recycling programs must include, as a minimum: aluminum cans, corrugated paper and high-grade office paper.
Further information and/or assistance can be obtained by calling the Borough office at 610-678-1486.